(MENAなんでもランキング・シリーズ その15)
中東北アフリカ諸国は英語のMiddle East & North Africaの頭文字をとってMENAと呼ばれています。MENA各国をいろいろなデータで比較しようと言うのがこの「MENAなんでもランキング・シリーズ」です。「MENA」は日頃なじみの薄い言葉ですが、国ごとの比較を通してその実態を理解していただければ幸いです。なおMENAの対象国は文献によって多少異なりますが、本シリーズでは下記の19の国と1機関(パレスチナ)を取り扱います。(アルファベット順)
アルジェリア、バハレーン、エジプト、イラン、イラク、イスラエル、ヨルダン、クウェイト、レバノン、リビア、モロッコ、オマーン、パレスチナ自治政府、カタール、サウジアラビア、シリア、チュニジア、 トルコ、UAE(アラブ首長国連邦)、イエメン、
これら19カ国・1機関をおおまかに分類すると、宗教的にはイスラエル(ユダヤ教)を除き、他は全てイスラム教国家でありOIC(イスラム協力機構)加盟国です。なおその中でイラン、イラクはシーア派が政権政党ですが、その他の多くはスンニ派の政権国家です。また民族的にはイスラエル(ユダヤ人)、イラン(ペルシャ人)、トルコ(トルコ人)以外の国々はアラブ人の国家であり、それらの国々はアラブ連盟(Arab League)に加盟しています。つまりMENAはイスラム教スンニ派でアラブ民族の国家が多数を占める国家群と言えます。
第15回のランキングは、「世界経済フォーラム」(World Economic Forum, 略称WEF)が発表した「Global Competitiveness Report 2018」(世界競争力レポート)についてMENA諸国をとりあげて比較しました。
* WEFホームページ:
* https://www.weforum.org/reports/the-global-competitiveness-report-2017-2018
「世界競争力レポート(Global Competitiveness Report)」は、毎冬スイスで開催される「ダボス会議」の主催者として世界に名を知られている「世界経済フォーラム」が2001年から毎年発表しているレポートであり今回で第18回目となる。第1回レポートの対象国は75カ国であったが、その後対象国は増え今回は140カ国となっている。MENAの対象国は16カ国であり、評価対象外となっている国はリビア、シリア、イラク及びパレスチナ自治政府である。
「世界競争力レポート」の総合的な競争力ランキングはコロンビア大学のザビエル・サラ=イ=マーティン教授が開発し2004年に導入された世界競争力指数(Global Competitiveness Index, GCI)が用いられている。GCIは競争力に関する12の分野をもとに設計されており、世界の国々のすべての発展段階における競争力の全体像を示している。
12分野とは、①制度機構(Institutions)、②インフラ(Infrastructure)、③情報通信技術(ICT adoption)、④マクロ経済安定性(Macroeconomic stability)、⑤健康(Health)、⑥技能(skills)、⑦製品市場(Product market)、⑧労働市場(Labour market)、⑨金融システム(Financial system)、⑩市場規模(Market size)、⑪ビジネス・ダイナミズム(Business dynamism)及び⑫イノベーション力(Innovation capability)である。なお今年は評価方法をこれまでと大きく変更しており、その結果、MENAは殆どの国が昨年より世界順位を下げている一方、米国、日本などは順位がアップしている。
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By Areha Kazuya
E-mail: areha_kazuya@jcom.home.ne.jp
Chapter 6: Genealogy of Islamic terrorism
6-10(53) Syria: Enemy’s enemy is ally or another enemy?
The Syrian civil
war is basically a military struggle between the government and anti-government
organizations demanding the retirement of President Baser al-Assad. Iran and
Russia are supporting the Assad government from the view point of international
balance of power. Iran’s main reason is that the clan of al-Assad was from Alawi
which is one of Shiite faction. And Russia holds a navy base in Syria which
faces to Mediterranean Sea. For Russia, the route from the Black Sea to the
Mediterranean Sea through the Bosporus Strait has a significant strategic
meaning compared with the Baltic Sea. That is the reason why Russia support the
Assad regime. On the other hand, Western countries including the United States
support anti-government organizations to overthrow the autocratic Assad regime
and establish a free democratic regime. Saudi Arabia and Turkey of Sunni sect unanimously
support anti-government organization. This is a countermeasure against the
Shiite power of Assad and Iran.
However, Syria's
anti-government organization was not monolithic. It was “Bitter enemies in the
same boat”, or mere crowd. The ups and downs of members were intense. The main wing
is the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) consisting of Kurdish People's Protection
Units (YPG) and several Arab anti-government forces including Al-Nusra Front.
Islamic State (IS), i.e. ISIL, ISIS or Daesh, was the third power which was
different from neither government organization nor anti-government
YPG, a leading force in the SDF, is a military organization by Kurds who live in the northeastern Syria. The Kurds are scattered in the four countries of Syria, Turkey, Iran and Iraq. They are confronting with respective governments for independence. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) is secular military forces of Sunnis and supported by the US, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. But Turkey tries to eliminate YPG from SDF to constrain the Kurdish independence movement.
Al-Nusra Front, now al-Qaeda in Syria, is the descendent of international terrorist organization al-Qaeda and is a religious sect which advocates Islamic fundamentalism and Salafism. Islamic State (IS) was originally called Islamic State of Iraq (ISI). They began terrorist activities from December 2013 when US President Obama declared the end of the Iraq war and withdraw US military forces. IS extended its activity to Syria and renamed "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)". They declared the independence of "Islamic State (IS)" in 2014. However, even though they proclaimed that IS was an independent state, their nature was a cruel terrorist and burglary group. No countries have recognized IS as a state.
Foreign powers wondered which sect should be supported because the leading power was changed frequently one sect to another. The United States tried to provide military training and supplied weapons to the Syrian Democratic Forces, which was liberal democratic sect among rebels. But in the Middle East where West European type of democracy was unpopular, the liberal forces were weak. Weapons and financial aid were scattering like spraying water in the desert.
Saudi Arabia and other Gulf secular monarchs took part in the Syrian Democratic Force. This was a last option with the elimination method. In other words, GCC countries feared that Sarafist (Islamic extremist) of Sunni like the Al-Nusra Front or IS (Islamic State) would endanger Gulf monarchs. At the same time GCC monarchs thought that the Syrian government supported by Iran was more unacceptable. As far as they keep pace with Western countries, the absolute monarchy system will be stable for a while. GCC monarchs supported SDF as an option with elimination method although they were wary of liberal power. Despite military support from US and financial support from the Gulf countries, the actual warfare ability of Syrian Democratic Force was much inferior to other rebels. They can only protect themselves at best.
The Islamic extremists, Al-Nusra Front (now Al-Qaeda in Syria) and Islamic State (IS), have deep religious consciousness and high combat capability because they are willing to self-sacrifice. But the forces having religious background are up to the character of the top leader and is easily torn in several pieces. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi al-Husseini al-Qauraishi, the leader of ISIS (Islamic Stat of Iraq and Syria), split from Al-Nusra Front and established his own Islamic State (IS). IS did not rely on foreign aid. IS aimed to be not mere domestic power against the central government but to be the regional power. They did not acknowledge the current border according to Sykes-Picot Agreement which was drawn by UK and France during colonial era. IS aimed to be an ideal Caliphate Islamic religious state. They recruited young people living abroad by using the Internet and converted them to combatants.
Islamic State (IS) is a lone wolf terrorist group. Al-Nusra Front relies on Al Qaeda's network. Syrian Democratic Force was supported by Kurdish force with assistance from the West and the Gulf countries. All of them are anti-government forces. Legitimate Syrian government, which confront these anti-government organizations, is supported by Russia and Iran. In summerly, Russia and Iran support the Iraqi government and the Middle Eastern and European country and the United States supported anti-government power. Situation in Syria is extremely confused
However, the common goals of foreign countries recently have been focused on the destruction of Islamic State (IS). In response, IS who stood in inferior situation called for Muslims living in the US, Europe and Russia to do the suicide bombing. IS fighters also may to return to their home countries and conduct terrorist activities. The former is homegrown terror and the latter is terror in hometown. To prevent homegrown or hometown terror, IS must be destroyed completely as soon as possible. Only the Syrian government's legitimate army and the Kurdish force of the Syrian Democratic Force can compete against the IS right now. However, Kurdish troops are not in a position to get support from Russia, Turkey and Iran.
Ultimately, Western countries including the United States left the demand of resignation of President Al-Assad on one side for the time being and bombed the Islamic State (IS). They overlooked the military actions of the Syria and Russia. Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries , who supported the Syrian Democratic Force of liberal anti-government forces as the last choice because their true enemy was the Shiite, were abandoned by the United States.
Is the enemy of the enemy a friend or another enemy? The situation in Syria, where confusion is deepened, can be said to be the invisible Middle East situation itself.
(To be continued ----)
(サウジ)国王実弟アハマド王子、ロンドンから数カ月ぶりに帰国。米英が身元安全保証との報道も。 *
(表http://menadabase.maeda1.jp/1-B-2-11.pdf 参照)
(図http://menadabase.maeda1.jp/2-B-2-04.pdf 参照)
米国の経済は先進国の中でも特に好調であり5年間を通じてほぼ2%台の成長を維持し、特に今年及び来年は2%台後半の成長率が見込まれている。中国は2016年から2020年までの5年間を通じて6%台の高い成長が続くと見られているが、その成長率は2017年の6.9%から年々低下し来年は6.2%と予測されている。これに対してインドは5年間で7.1%(2016年) →6.7%(2017年) →7.3%(2018年) →7.4%(2019年) →7.7%(2020年)と2017年以外は中国の成長率を上回り、2017年を除き毎年7%以上の高い成長を維持している。ロシアは2016年(▲0.2%)はマイナス成長に陥ったが、2017年以降はプラス成長に転じ、2019及び2020年は1.8%の成長率が見込まれている。
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