(MENAなんでもランキング・シリーズ その4)
前田 高行
中東北アフリカ諸国は英語のMiddle East & North Africaの頭文字をとってMENAと呼ばれています。MENA各国をいろいろなデータで比較しようと言うのがこの「MENAなんでもランキング・シリーズ」です。「MENA」は日頃なじみの薄い言葉ですが、国ごとの比較を通してその実態を理解していただければ幸いです。なおMENAの対象国は文献によって多少異なりますが、本シリーズでは下記の19の国と1機関(パレスチナ)を取り扱います。(アルファベット順)
アルジェリア、バハレーン、エジプト、イラン、イラク、イスラエル、ヨルダン、クウェイト、レバノン、リビア、モロッコ、オマーン、パレスチナ自治政府、カタール、サウジアラビア、シリア、チュニジア、 トルコ、UAE(アラブ首長国連邦)、イエメン、
これら19カ国・1機関をおおまかに分類すると、宗教的にはイスラエル(ユダヤ教)を除き、他は全てイスラム教国家でありOIC(イスラム諸国会議機構)加盟国です。なおその中でイラン、イラクはシーア派が政権政党ですが、その他の多くはスンニ派の政権国家です。また民族的にはイスラエル(ユダヤ人)、イラン(ペルシャ人)、トルコ(トルコ人)以外の国々はアラブ人の国家であり、それらの国々はアラブ連盟(Arab League)に加盟しています。つまりMENAはイスラム教スンニ派でアラブ民族の国家が多数を占める国家群と言えます。
第4回のランキングは、UNCTAD(国連貿易開発会議)が毎年刊行する世界各国の直接投資(FDI)に関する報告書の最新版「World Investment Report 2018」からMENA諸国をとりあげて比較しました。(詳細は下記参照)
「World Investment Report 2018」について
UNCTADの「World Investment Report 2018」は、外国直接投資(Foreign Direct Investment, 以下FDI)の最新の状況を世界規模で調査分析した報告書であり対象となっている国は200以上に達する。このうちMENA諸国については今回のレポートではシリア及びリビアがは一部開示されていないデータがある。
本稿ではFDI inflows、FDI outflows、FDI inward stock及びFDI outward stockの2012年~2017年のデータを取り上げ、MENA各国の直接投資の現状を比較することとする。
FDI inflows: FDIインバウンド
FDI outflows: FDIアウトバウンド
FDI inward stock: FDIインバウンド残高
FDI outward stock: FDIアウトバウンド残高
前田 高行 〒183-0027
Tel/Fax; 042-360-1284, 携帯; 090-9157-3642
E-mail; maeda1@jcom.home.ne.jp
By Areha Kazuya
E-mail: areha_kazuya@jcom.home.ne.jp
Chapter 4: War and Peace in The Middle East
4-6(34) Islamic revolution in Iran
Until the end of the 1970s Iran was the most stable country in the Middle East. In 1921 Rezah Shah of Cossack troops established Pahlavi dynasty by a coup d'etat, and changed the country name of Persia to Iran. In the World War II, he approached the Nazis of Germany. Iran, therefore, was surrendered by the Allied Forces. His son Muhammad Rezah Pahlavi inherited the position of the Shah. Then the Communist Party gained power. In 1951 Mosaddegh became Prime Minister and nationalized the oil industry.
The United States, which thought Iran's communism and nationalization of oil industry as crisis, overthrew the Mosaddegh regime through the secret operation by the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA). Muhammad Rezah Pahlavi gained full authority again. Since then the honeymoon relationship between the United States and Iran had started. The United States generously gave the state-of-th-art weapons to Iran. In return Iran poured the wealth of oil to the United States. The US entrusted Iran to stabilize around the Persian Gulf and to support indirectly the unstable situation of Israel. Iran became called "Police officers of Persian Gulf". Muhammad made reign of terror with the cooperation of the CIA of the United States and Mossad of Israeli intelligence agency. The network of the secret police, so-called SAVAK, covered all over the country. Agricultural land reform, privatization of state enterprises and right of women's vote were introduced in order to curry the United States' favor. It was called White Revolution.
The most influenced people by the White Revolution was merchants of the bazaar (market) in the city and the religious power of the Islamic clergy. Prophet Muhammad was a leader of the caravan, so in Islamic society the chemistry between merchant and religious classes was in good relation. In addition, the power of the merchant in the Middle East could not be neglected. Merchants and clergies cooperated each other and resisted the Shah regime. Shah was merciless for the resistance movement, and imprisoned them or exiled them abroad. Ayatollah Khomeini, a top religious leader, was expelled abroad. He directed the resistance movement from Paris.
In April of the same year, the Islamic Republic of Iran was declared by a referendum. Ayatollah Khomeini advocated “velayat-e faqih”. Velayat-e faqih meant Guardianship of Islamic Jurist. It was the basic theory of the national sovereignty. Religious state was established in Islamic modern society for the first time. Velayat-e faqih is the legal theory unique to the Twelver Shiism occupying the majority of Muslims in Iran. Twelver Shiism preaches as follows; Imam, religious leader, took over the leadership after Muhammad's death. But the Imam of twelfth successor suddenly hid out (Hidden Imam). Thereafter the Islamic religious leader ruled the world on behalf of Imam until he appears as Mahdi. Their theory justifies the control by religious clerics. Iran became a religious state which was very rare in the modern world.
At the same time, a communist regime was born in Afghanistan next to the east of Iran, and the war started. The War in Afghanistan had two aspects; ideology and religion. That was the reason why the United States of America and the Arab Islamic countries, which historically conflicted each other, opposed the USSR in one mind. In other words, the United States which believed liberalism and capitalism as the best ideology thought that the War in Afghanistan was the final ideological war against USSR. While the Arab-Islamic countries thought that the war was religious one to stop the invasion of atheism.
The Islamic Revolution in Iran had changed the social structure from the ideology of liberalism and capitalism by Shah to religious beliefs of Ayatollah Khomeini. Both the USSR and the United States were perplexed by the change in the social structure of Iran. The impact of the United States, which lost the only one friend in the Middle East, was much big compared with USSR. The United States has protected Shah’s exile under humanitarian consideration. This, however, ignited the anti-American sentiments of Iranian students. They occupied the US embassy in Tehran. As the occupation lasted for a year, the strong anti-Iran sentiment was born in the United States. There is no indication to end the mutual antipathy until now. It was the beginning of the unfortunate history between Iran and the United States.
(To be continued ----)
(MENAなんでもランキング・シリーズ その12)
前田 高行
(図http://menarank.maeda1.jp/12-G01.pdf 参照)
(表http://menarank.maeda1.jp/12-T03.pdf 参照)
前田 高行 〒183-0027
Tel/Fax; 042-360-1284, 携帯; 090-9157-3642
E-Mail; maeda1@jcom.home.ne.jp
(MENAなんでもランキング・シリーズ その12)
前田 高行
(表http://menarank.maeda1.jp/12-T02.pdf 参照)
前田 高行 〒183-0027
Tel/Fax; 042-360-1284, 携帯; 090-9157-3642
E-Mail; maeda1@jcom.home.ne.jp